Questions, Answers, and Mapping settings
This guide focuses on configuring questions, answers, and mapping settings in your bluebarry advisor.
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Question Settings
Images: Adding Visual Context with Images
You can enhance your advisor’s appearance and provide additional context by adding images to your questions.
Understanding Question Types
Bluebarry offers two question types:
1) Filter Questions:
- Strictly filters products from the available options
- Products that don’t match the criteria are completely removed from potential results
- Use when you need precise, requirement-based filtering
2) Ranking questions:
- Provides more flexible filtering
- Products remain in the potential results but are ranked based on relevance
- Ideal when you want to show the most likely matches without excluding other options
Understanding Answer Types
Bluebarry supports two answer filters
1) Text answers
- Standard text-based options for users to select.
- Mainly used for categorical choices.
2) Value answers
- Allows users to input numeric values
- Useful for specific measurement, quantities, or text input values (like names)
Controlling Answer Selection
The “Answer Amount” setting determines how many options users can select:
- Single: Users can choose only one answer
- Multiple: Users can select several answers
Answer Settings
Skip Question Setting
You can specify which questions to skip based on certain answer selections. This creates a more dynamic, personalized experience.
Answer Mapping
Answer mapping follows this structure:
If [answer] is selected, the [property] of resulting products must be [operator] [value].
If “Small budget” is selected, the [budget] of resulting products must be [equal to] [€15]
Available operators:
- Equal to
- Not equal to
- Contains
- Does not contain
- Greater than
- Greater than or equal
- Less than
- Less than or equal to
- Not = (excludes specific value)
Answer Content Settings
In the “Answer Content” section, you can configure:
1) Full Answer
- The complete answer text shown to users
2) Extra Information
- Additional details displayed to users when needed
3) Answer Label
- Used in bluebarry’s mapping page and third-party analytics
4) Topic
- Appears on the result page
- Should be a concise main category or theme
- Best kept to a single word or short phrase