Implementing bluebarry's main advisor script
This guide will help you add the Bluebarry advisor functionality to your website. By following these steps, you’ll be able to:
- Add the main Bluebarry script to your website
- Create buttons or banners that open specific advisors
- Ensure everything works correctly on your pages
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Step 1: Adding the Main Script
First, you’ll need to add the main bluebarry script to your website’s <head> section.
1. Find your Tenant ID:
- Go to “Integrations” in your bluebarry dashboard
- Look for your Tenant ID at the top of the page
- Click on it to copy
2. Add this script to your website's section:
Script for implementation 👇🏻.
💡 Remember to replace TENANT_ID_HERE with your actual Tenant ID.
Step 2: Adding Advisor Buttons
To make sure you’re able to launch a bluebarry advisor once you’ve clicked on it, it’s necessary to add a simple line of code to the buttons or banners that need to open the specific advisors:
1. Find your advisor ID
- Open the advisor you want to use
- Look in the URL of the opened advisor
- Copy the ID (don’t include any forward slashes)
2. Add the onclick function to your button or banner:
Button implementation code 👇🏻.
💡 Remember to replace ADVISOR_ID_HERE with your actual Advisor ID.
Important notes
- Make sure the bluebarry script is implemented on any page where you want to use advisor buttons
- The button or banner must be on the same page where the bluebarry script is running.